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In any case, do not use a condom! Techniques PESA Percutaneous epididymal sperm aspiration is the collection of sperm through a fine needle directly from the epididymis, where sperm is stored, after it is formed in the testes. What is a vasectomy? Finally, even having sperm found on a previous harvesting session does not guarantee that sperm will be found on future harvesting attempts. Performing "on demand" and being under pressure of time, it is not always easy to produce a semen sample. Occasionally it may be possible to surgically unblock the tube that carries the sperm during the ejaculation process, although this has a low success rate.
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Infertility and Surgical Sperm Retrieval
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Sperm Retrieval Procedures
It is for men who have little or no sperm in the semen, or men who aren't able to ejaculate. Extra sperm may be harvested to preserve for future cycles of IVF in case the current cycle is unsuccessful or the couple desires more children in the future. However, make sure to talk with a counselor experienced with donor issues.
Published: 05.05.2015 в 16:08
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