Anal hole finger

Published by: Aglaya Category: Gloryhole

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And if it turns out that they need to back off, no problem! You might want to finger your ass for a couple of minutes with lube to help it get warmed up. Some people empty the liquid out of them and just fill them with regular water, but that seems like a waste of money unless you really like the shape of the Fleet enema bottles. You can finger each other during anal foreplay or as a build up to anal sex, or it can even be done as part of solo anal masturbation. My final phase after seeing clear water is to apply a mild shampoo to a couple of fingers and insert to scour the walls of my anus, then a rinse and clean the outside. This helps to remove any air in the nozzle before insertion. Remember we recommended coconut oil as lube earlier?
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Back off and go with a little less. Do it with them to encourage them. Ads by TrafficFactory.
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